
Group: DynoMotion Message: 12359 From: darrengladysz Date: 10/7/2015
Subject: Random coordinated buffer error as well as arc too small errors

Hi Tom,

I am somewhat mystified with errors I have been getting Kflop.  I have been getting them since I installed kmotioncnc but they are getting more frequent.  I run fairly simple programs for cutting melamine sheets and I am getting coordinated motion buffer errors as well as radius too small errors when running contours.  When running drill programs (ie. for the shelve holes) I never have these problems only with contours.

I am using the r for g2 and g3 instead of the i,j and k.

I am attaching a sample g code file that caused the issue but the issue happens in all my contours programs.

I am using version 4.30 of kmotioncnc.

I have played with the buffer and even set it to 20 seconds look ahead.  I tried with values of 3, 5 and 10 and this did not resolve the issue.

The contour problems are random and appear without logic or reason.  I can run the same program a few times and the errors will happen at different places. 

Also, when the error occurs I re-initialize kflop by loading the init file again.  I then press the run button to continue execution and sometimes it works, other times it gives me the message that he radius is too short (most of the r values are .125) and at times it gives me a message that the i,j and k values are absent (this one is less frequent).

At times, when I despair, I restart the same program by manually entering the values to send my router to x0, y0 and z2 (my default start).  The g code executes and there is no problem with the execution when it reaches the area that caused problems the 1st time but a bit later, the error message will re-appear.

I have changed the usb cable thinking it may be the issue but this does not work. 

I have reflashed kflop with the 4.30 firmware but this did not resolve the issue.  I do not know if this is an issue but by mistake I flashed using the dsp_kmotion-dspkmotion.out file by mistake as I was following instructions in the help file.  This crashed the flashing but then I reflash using the out file in the dsp_kflop folder and everything is fine.

I am a bit lost at what may be causing this.  Can it me an issue with my install of kmotioncnc being corrupted on the harddrive.  Can it be the computer.  I am using a 5-6 year old compaq laptop with windows 7 32 bit but it seems to be very responsive and has nothing on it except kmotioncnc and kmotion.

I had issues earlier with the i,j and k for the g2 and g3 and switched to r instead of i,j and k.  Usually there is no problems with this but at times, for a strange reason, kflop does not like the r method of g2. 

Also, I read that there may be an issue with a m6 wait instruction (from an earlier post) .  I always use a g4 with a p25 instruction in my problems to allow my spindle to get up to speed.  Can this be an issue?

Any help would be appreciated.

I have an extra kflop board for my mill so I can swap then if this may help to test.  Please let me know.

Thanks again


Group: DynoMotion Message: 12373 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/8/2015
Subject: Re: Random coordinated buffer error as well as arc too small errors
Hi Darren,

It might be the buffer underrun errors are really caused by something like a false limit switch causing an Axis to disable and that error to be triggered.   Or possibly a following error.  Our older software versions reported this in a confusing manner.  If you run KMotion.exe while your Job is running and observe the Console and Axis Screens you may see a message regarding an axis being disabled and see it disabled on the Axis Screen.  This may help determine what is really going on.

Your Version 4.30 is 2.5 years old.  Please upgrade to our latest Test Release 4.33q.  It has many bug fixes and new features including better error reporting and buffer underflow protection.

The Radius too short errors may be a secondary problem when resuming an arc after aborting part way through.  An abort isn't necessarily presumable  The current position, next target position, radius, and so forth must make sense.  The new versions have a Set Next Statement option that may help with this.  Normally Radius too short would be a very predictable and repeatable error based on how the GCode is written.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 12378 From: darrengladysz Date: 10/11/2015
Subject: Re: Random coordinated buffer error as well as arc too small errors

Hi Tom,

I thank you very much for the info.

I upgraded to 4.33q and my cnc router is cutting without problems.  I ran 10 or more sheets without any errors.
