Hi Tom,
I am somewhat mystified with errors I have been getting Kflop. I have been getting them since I installed kmotioncnc but they are getting more frequent. I run fairly simple programs for cutting melamine sheets and I am getting coordinated motion buffer errors as well as radius too small errors when running contours. When running drill programs (ie. for the shelve holes) I never have these problems only with contours.
I am using the r for g2 and g3 instead of the i,j and k.
I am attaching a sample g code file that caused the issue but the issue happens in all my contours programs.
I am using version 4.30 of kmotioncnc.
I have played with the buffer and even set it to 20 seconds look ahead. I tried with values of 3, 5 and 10 and this did not resolve the issue.
The contour problems are random and appear without logic or reason. I can run the same program a few times and the errors will happen at different places.
Also, when the error occurs I re-initialize kflop by loading the init file again. I then press the run button to continue execution and sometimes it works, other times it gives me the message that he radius is too short (most of the r values are .125) and at times it gives me a message that the i,j and k values are absent (this one is less frequent).
At times, when I despair, I restart the same program by manually entering the values to send my router to x0, y0 and z2 (my default start). The g code executes and there is no problem with the execution when it reaches the area that caused problems the 1st time but a bit later, the error message will re-appear.
I have changed the usb cable thinking it may be the issue but this does not work.
I have reflashed kflop with the 4.30 firmware but this did not resolve the issue. I do not know if this is an issue but by mistake I flashed using the dsp_kmotion-dspkmotion.out file by mistake as I was following instructions in the help file. This crashed the flashing but then I reflash using the out file in the dsp_kflop folder and everything is fine.
I am a bit lost at what may be causing this. Can it me an issue with my install of kmotioncnc being corrupted on the harddrive. Can it be the computer. I am using a 5-6 year old compaq laptop with windows 7 32 bit but it seems to be very responsive and has nothing on it except kmotioncnc and kmotion.
I had issues earlier with the i,j and k for the g2 and g3 and switched to r instead of i,j and k. Usually there is no problems with this but at times, for a strange reason, kflop does not like the r method of g2.
Also, I read that there may be an issue with a m6 wait instruction (from an earlier post) . I always use a g4 with a p25 instruction in my problems to allow my spindle to get up to speed. Can this be an issue?
Any help would be appreciated.
I have an extra kflop board for my mill so I can swap then if this may help to test. Please let me know.
Thanks again